Упражнение 342.

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Замените причастные обороты придаточными предложениями:
8. The answer received from the sellers greatly surprised us.
9. There are many wonderful books describing the heroic struggle of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War.
10. Being a great book-lover, he spent a lot of money on books.
11. All the goods discharged from the ship will be sent to the warehouse.
12. The figures mentioned in his article were published in "Pravda".
13. Receiving the telegram he rang the manager up.


8. Ответ, полученный от продавцов, нас сильно удивил.
... received from the sellers ... = ... which had been received from the sellers ... .
9. Есть много замечательных книг, описывающих героическую борьбу советского народа во время Великой Отечественной войны.
... describing the heroic struggle of the Soviet people ... = ... which describe the heroic struggle of the Soviet people ... .
10. Будучи большим любителем книг, он тратил много денег на книги.
Being a great book-lover ... = As he was a great book-lover ... .
11. Все товары, разгруженные с парохода, будут посланы на склад.
... discharged from the ship ... = ... which were discharged from the ship ... .
12. Цифры, упомянутые в его статье, были опубликованы в «Правде».
... mentioned in his article ... = ... which are mentioned in his article ... .
13. Получив телеграмму, он позвонил заведующему (или: директору).
Receiving the telegram ... = When he received the telegram ....
